Fraternal twins can be boy/boy, boy/girl, or girl/girl Identical twins are the result of one fertilized egg splitting The split usually happens around days 4 or 5, after the placenta and sac have started forming Which means the two babies end up in the same sac, sharing the same placenta Identical twins are always boy/boy or girl/girlYou make some good points The nurses responses, though, came immediately after saying they were boy/girl And from my girlfriend's research, she says there's such a thing as boy/girl twins who are 75% identical I don't see how that's still called identical though A twin boy and girl may be identical, according to a study found on NCBI, although this situation is very rare Usually identical twins share the same gender they are either a pair or boys or girls In rare instances, however, identical twins form from an egg and sperm that begin as males (sharing XY chromosomes) then change to become a male

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Identical boy and girl twins possible
Identical boy and girl twins possible- Since fraternal twins originate from two separate sperm, each of those eggs could be a boy or girl That means fraternal twins can both be boys, both be girls , or be a boy and girl Of course, we are strictly speaking from a genetic standpoint — sex is determined in utero, while gender is a social construct and something a person decides forThe chances of having identical twins is relatively rare — around 3 or 4 in every 1,000 births And while it may be obvious, identical twins are always the same sex, either both boys or both girls, at birth Is it possible to have identical twins of different genders?

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Boy/girl monozygotic (identical) twins Secondly, can a boy and girl twin be in the same sac?In fact, the chance of conceiving twins in your next pregnancy is only 11% Not much really However, advances in technology and certain practices can significantly improve your chance of giving birth to two babies at once And while nonidentical twins are mostly due to the genetics of the mother, identical twins can happen to any woman Reply Mike Wilson at 1126 am "'Are you guys identical or fraternal'" (Later in that same section) "'Really guys?
More types of twins exist than previously thought Beyond identical and fraternal, there's a rare third type Twin pregnancies have unique risks and outlooksThe girl has a mix of 9010 In the 07 case, one of the twins actually had ambiguous genitalia,Check out this link
Know your biology'" I do And so I should point out that it is actually possible for a boy and a girl to be identical twinsBy Anonymous Actually, there can be identical boy/girl twins if the sex gene of the embryo has an extra x chromosome (the fertilized egg would be an xxy) then when the egg splits one can have xx (girl) genes and one can have xy (boy) genes Rare but possible Only 4 ever recorded casesThe probability of you having identical twins is 1 in 250 If you're that lucky winner you must be wondering how you will tell your twins apart When I first discovered that I was having multiples that was the first question that came out of my mouth "Are they identical?" I wanted to make sure that as the mother I knew who was who

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10 Facts About Fraternal Twins That You Probably Didn T Know
Because fraternal, or dizygotic, twins are 2 separate fertilized eggs, they usually develop 2 separate amniotic sacs , placentas, and supporting structures*The rare instance in which a set of boy/girl monozygotic/identical twins occurs is the result of Turner's Syndrome, in which both individuals are actually XY boys, but one child loses the Y chromosome, yielding a baby who is XO One twin appears externally to be a girl, but grows up infertile, short, and usually with a couple of otherBabychakra is the number 1 parenting app in India and is a new mom's best

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Moreover, if identical twins end up being different genders, the male with XY chromosomes may turn out normal, but the female with XO chromosomes might have Turner Syndrome Technically speaking, yes there are semiidentical or maternal twins can be a boy and a girl However, it is not without risk or genetic anomalies to the fetusOpposite Sex Identical Twins Identical Twins will almost always be of the same sex There have been 3 5 documented cases of opposite sex identical twins This can happen in a set of identical boys, when one twin "drops" or "looses" a "Y" chromosome, resulting in a single chromosome, or an "XO" chromosomeThe official website of Twins Research Australia In 999% of cases boy/girl twins are nonidentical However, in some extremely rare cases resulting from a genetic mutation, identical twins from an egg and sperm which began as male (XY) can develop into a male / female pair


Overview Of Identical Twins
A boy and girl twins cannot be identical Monozygotic or identical twins are usually of the same sex as they are formed from a single zygote (fertilised egg) which contains either male (XY) or female (XX) sex chromosomes Just like siblings, fraternal twins share 50% of DNA from father and mother Fraternal twins represent twothirds of all twinsHow common are identical twins?Boy/girl monozygotic (identical) twins

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Can Identical Twins Be Male And Female About Twins
They checked the placenta and yip id They called polar twins I believe and are extraordinarily rare indeed 0 Can identical twins be male and female? The twins can be two girls, two boys, or a boy and a girl Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits and develops into two fetuses Identical twins might share a placenta and an amniotic sac or the twins might share a placenta and each have separate amniotic sacs Genetically, the two babies are identical

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Are Your Boy Girl Twins Identical
6 A lot of times the only way to tell if twins are fraternal or identical is a test If they are boy/girl, they are fraternal If they share a placenta or amniotic sac, they are identical (unless they had two placentas that fused together, which is possible) Other than that, you'll have to wait until they're born!Level 1 dannicalliope 1d I have modi identical girls We knew they were modi (and therefore identical) before we knew the sex When I was pregnant, my SIL excitedly told me that she hoped I would have a boy and a girl I said "Oh no, they're identical so it's either two boys or two girls" yes they can be identical, mad I know BUT there is a lady Ange on the AMM She has b/g twins was told they were ID all through pg and then they were born one girl and one boy and she was very surprised;

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DOCTORS say they have discovered the world's second known case of semiidentical twins born from one egg and two sperm The now fouryearold boy and girl, from Brisbane, Australia, are identicalAs fraternal twins originate from separate conceptions, they can either be all boys, girls, or one of each The father's sperm determines gender For identical twins to have different blood types, something needs to happen to one twin's DNA Small changes in DNA can and do happen so identical twins do have a few differences What makes them having different blood types so rare is that the changes have to be in just the right place out of over six billion different possible places

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Dizygotic twins occur when two eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm Dizygotic twins are also known as fraternal or nonidentical twins They are the most common type of twins 1 Unlike monozygotic twins (also known as identical twins), dizygotic twins do not share the same genes Monozygotic twins share 100% of each other's genes The one who looks like a boy has an XXXY mix of 4753;Identical (monozygotic) twins are always of the same sex because they form from a single zygote (fertilized egg) that contains either male (XY) or female (XX) sex chromosomes A set of boy/girl twins can only be fraternal (dizygotic) Boy/girl twins cannot be identical (monozygotic)

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There are two different types of twins Identical Identical twins occur when one egg is fertilized by one sperm The egg then divides into two separate embryos Identical twins might share a placenta and an amniotic sac, or they might share a placenta and each have separate amniotic sacs Genetically, the two babies are identicalI am an identical twin (and 31 years old), and just found this out about a month ago I was watching a show on the Discovery Health channel that talked about multiples, and how doctors are using the term "monozygotic" rather than "identical" now, because an egg can split and become one boy and one girl!I have identical boy twins and was told the other day that identical boy twins are pretty rare but that the rarest type of identical twins are identical Born First At my shower, I mentioned I was having a csection due to the position of my twins

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Can A Boy And A Girl Be Identical Twins
IT IS POSSIBLE to have identical twins of different genders, it may be extremely rare, but is definitely a possible phenomenon To know more about this myth, and all the other kinds of twins sets, do read my guest blog on Babychakra Types of Twins you Never Knew About!When twins are identical, parents may assign a certain color to dress each baby in For example, if having identical twin girls, one girl may be dressed in pink while the other girl is dressed in purple Boys may be dressed in red and blue When it comes to health issues, it is crucial that each baby is properly seen as their individualized selves Its not possible Because being different genders makes them unidentical Identical twins occur with the splitting of 1 egg So if the egg that was fertilized was fertilized with a "Y" chromosome they will be a boy, or an "X" chromosome will be a girl If they egg splits, it can't change chromosomes once its fertilized

Understanding Genetics

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So my husband and I assumed identical twin boys given we had a single embryo transfer At the week scan, they asked us if we wanted to know the sex of our babies and we said we already knew one was a boy and assumed the other was as well Anyway, imagine our surprise when they said one was a girl and one was a boy!!!!!Answer (1 of 21) It would simply be the first to be born That's it's simplist answer Theologically speaking again it would be the first born as it would be considered ordained by God who chose the heir apparent by that heir being born first Somebody did mention if it was a girl born first a Identical ( monozygotic) twins are always of the same sex because they form from a single zygote (fertilized egg) that contains either male (XY) or female (XX) sex chromosomes Fraternal twins can be either two girls, two boys, or one of

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Rare Semi Identical Twins Born To Australian Mum From Two Different Sperm
45/5 (31 Views 16 Votes) Dizygotic Twins and Gender Here are your odds Boygirl twins are the most common kind of dizygotic twins, occurring 50 percent of the time Girlgirl twins are the second most common occurrence FindTwins of different genders are universally accepted as a sound basis for a clinical determination that boy and girl twins are not identical However, in extremely rare cases, boy and girl twins can stem from the same fertilized egg Twins, who stem from the same fertilized egg, are called monozygotic twinsAnswer (1 of 43) Usually not Because if so, they would have different sex chromosomes (one will have XX and the other XY) Identical twins develop from a single zygote that later splits in two They have the same genes and usually look very similar They are

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The boy and the girl, now four, from Brisbane, in Australia, are identical on their mother's side But they share only a proportion of their father's DNA Fraternal twins can be boy/girl, two girls, or two boys So no, your boy/girl twins are not identical There is an extremely rare case that can happen where the zygote splits to form identical twins but one of the pair doesn't get both sex chromosomes A boy has XY chromosomes and a girl has XX chromosomes Girlboy twins occur when one X egg is fertilized with an X sperm, and a Y sperm fertilizes the other X egg Sometimes health care professionals identify samesex twins as fraternal or identical based on ultrasound findings or by examining the membranes at the time of delivery

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Identical, or monozygotic, twins may or may not share the same amniotic sac, depending on how early the single fertilized egg divides into 2 Are fraternal twins usually a boy and a girl?#BodyBizarre #BornDifferent #ConjoinedTwinsCan conjoined twins be a boy and a girl?So far, all the conjoined twins featured in our channel are whether two boAt 10 PM There's no such thing as identical boy/girl twins Identical means that they have the same DNA Gender is in the DNA A boy can't have the same DNA as a girl because the boy's DNA would show that he was male and the

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